Arturo e le previsioni del tempo

Arturo and the weather forecast

🇮🇹 Arturo guarda le previsioni del tempo in TV per fare programmi insieme al suo amico Riccardo. Come sarà il tempo domani?

🇬🇧 Arturo is watching the weather forecast on TV to make programs with his friend Riccardo. What’s the weather like tomorrow?

Trascrizione ed esercizi

Con questa attività troverai:
📌 la trascrizione completa
📌 una lista di vocaboli con traduzione in inglese
📌 4 test di comprensione
📌 6 esercizi sul vocabolario
📌 1 esercizio sul tempo futuro
📌 1 esercizio sulla forma impersonale dei verbi

Trascrizione & Esercizi

2 thoughts on “16: Arturo e le previsioni del tempo”

  1. I really love the stories about Arturo and now having the transcripts as a separate PDF is so much easier to use.

    Thanks Italianglot for your excellent work.
    Cheers Matt

    1. Thank you so much, Matthew. It makes me really happy to know that you appreciate this series. Yes, from now on all the trascripts and worksheets will be downloadable from the website as a PDF file. I thought it could make your life easier. And the new graphic format for the transcript/worksheet will be the same for my Italianglot Podcast too. By the way, even the Simple Stories series is now a Podcast and you can listen to it anywhere you want. 🙂

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