Learn Italian with an Italian polyglot

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My name is Carmine, an Italian polyglot, and Italianglot is a project I’ve created for Italian learners like you.
Every week I create lots of audio, video and written material that will help you acquire Italian in an easy and fun way.
I have years and years of experience teaching foreign languages and learning them myself, this is why I design and produce all my educational resources combining my knowledge of teaching techniques (I’m a certified English teacher) with the methods that I’ve found to be the most effective.
So let me show you where to start and let me guide you step by step all the way to fluency!

Download my guide on how to learn Italian in 3 simple steps

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Download your guide here.

Step 1: Familiarize with the language

begin with a course containing lessons in a specific order so that you can build up your comprehension and communication skills gradually and consistently.
Once you know enough vocabulary and you are familiar with the correct sentence structure to hold a simple conversation, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Acquire the language

For this step you have several tools at your disposal:

My podcast episodes with transcriptions, vocabulary lists and exercises.

My videos with subtitles or transcriptions, comprehension tests and exercises in the practice section of this website.

The simple stories for beginners with transcripts, comprehension tests, vocabulary lists and exercises.

Step 3: Produce the language

Take part in my activites on Instagram where you can express yourself in Italian every week.

If you become an Active learner, you can chat with me, my sister Barbara and the other students in our Telegram group; and if you become an Advanced learner, I can assign you topics to write about and I will correct your texts and give you feedback to keep improving your Italian.

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