Practice every day
The activities you’ll find in this section are meant to develop your listening and reading comprehension, expand your vocabulary and practice grammar.
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Learn new words and expressions with the series Canzoni in italiano.
I’ll help you understand the meaning of famous Italian songs so that you can learn them by heart and sing along.

Learn new words and expressions with the series Poesie in italiano.
We’ll analyse together the meaning and the vocabulary of important masterpieces of Italian poetry.

Improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary with the series Racconti in italiano.
Read the short stories and then listen and read at the same time before taking the comprehension tests.

Improve your Italian with the series Scopriamo l’Italia.
Through these video journals of my trips to beautiful places in Italy, you’ll improve your comprehension skills and expand your vocabulary.

In the section Comprensione orale you can test your comprehension of spoken Italian by watching videos of real conversations between native speakers. First you’ll have to answer questions on what you heard and then you can read the transcription and focus on the vocabulary.

In the section Comprensione scritta you can test your comprehension of written Italian by reading different types of texts and then answering questions on what you just read.

If you need to expand your vocabulary, learn new words and expressions and practice the correct way to use them in a sentence, browse all the activities in the section Vocabolario.

If you want to review all the grammar topics and practice with lots of exercises, check the section Grammatica.