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2 thoughts on “A1 – 24 – Pronomi, aggettivi e avverbi indefiniti (en)”

  1. Ciao Carmine,

    Every one, each one, all of them, anyone… I only just now realize that there is a difference in meaning in these words. In Dutch we only have 1 word for it (Iedereen). So this is hard for me. Now I have to remember it both in English and in Italian. Or maybe not translate it at all?
    The same for “anything” and “something”. Well, it’s just a matter of learning, learning, learning… no problem… a matter of time.
    But if I say “tutti” instead of “chiunque”, they’ll understand me, right?

    Ciao, Corinne

    1. Ciao Corinne,
      yes, it can be confusing when there are more words in a language that have a slight difference of meaning, while there’s only one word for the same concept in our language, but remember that you don’t need to memorise them or to make an effort to remember all of them, because with practice, by listening to the spoken language all the time (in a passive way), you will automatically start to use them correctly without even realising it. It’s the beauty of the “natural method”. So, for now don’t worry if you mistake “chiunque” for “tutti”. People will understand you. Besides, in some contexts you can use both, because they are both correct. With time and practice you will be able to use the most appropriate word in the right context.
      Anyway, one example where you can use “tutti” and “chiunque” is: “Tutti conoscono Leonardo Da Vinci” = “Chiunque conosce Leonardo Da Vinci”. They are both correct.
      A presto,

      Carmine 🙂

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