Leggi il dialogo
Sig. Rossi: Buona sera, signor Bianchi !
Sig. Bianchi: Salve !
Sig. Rossi: Come sta ?
Sig. Bianchi: Molto bene, grazie. E Lei ?
Sig. Rossi: Tutto bene.
Sig. Bianchi: Beh, buona serata.
Sig. Rossi: Grazie mille. A presto !
â–» buona sera: good evening
â–» buona serata: have a good evening
The difference between sera and serata is exactly the same as the difference between giorno and giornata. The word serata implies the duration of the evening (the whole evening). Buona serata could be translated as have a good rest of the evening and it can only be used when parting ways.
â–» a presto: see you soon
Presto means soon, but it can also mean early like in the expression la mattina presto (early in the morning).
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